Artists of La Phoenikera: Noemi
On December’s First Friday, the Phoenix Art Museum is hosting “After Hours,” a multidisciplinary event showcasing music, visual art, performance, food, and opportunities to create...

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Cuba is Not Its Beaches or Its Whores
Cuba is not its beaches or its whores. It’s not the sadness of its streets or romanticism of the “máquinas” (cabs), the Moskovich, Lada, or...

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Friendly House Wants Local Art For 100th Anniversary
Friendly House, a social services organization in La Phoenikera, turned 100 years old last year and couldn’t even get a birthday caravan. So on December...

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Questions Answered By The Prince of Puke
When we found out John Waters was doing stand-up at the Celebrity Theatre we almost choked with happy vomit. I’ve been friend-crushing on this man...

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BlakTinx PHX Announces Fire Lineup For 2019 Festival
When we asked Liliana Gomez what is the most important thing about BlakTinx and she answered “the brown and black experience through movement,” our knees...

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Closeted Futboleros, Cholo Queerdom, And Erotic Deportations Cum To A Theater Near You
First, we’re stoked that local thespians are putting together shows lately that don’t overindulge in the melodramatic sameness we’ve been force-fed for the longest time...

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¡Atención Phoenikerxs! Casting para Los Monólogos de la Vagina
Si entre tus sueños guajiros está ser parte de una obra de teatro, tal vez esta sea tu oportunidad. El 8 y 9 de febrero...

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Your Guide to Halloween and Día de Los Muertos Happenings in La Phoenikera
All Hallow’s Eve is upon us and we’re sure you’re itching to flaunt the costume you’ve been working on for weeks (or a day in...

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skinnyblk: New Play Explores Gender, Sexuality and Toxic Masculinity
We’re stoked about the skinnyblk (Skinny Black) opening this Saturday. Sean Avery, writer, and performer, describes it as a hip-hop album/staged play about the journey...

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The Love for Knowledge Starts at Home
“If reading bears fruit, let the trees read,” said the writing on a Ministry of Education’s wall in the city I lived a few years...

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What To Expect From PAM’s Teotihuacán Exhibit
First Friday’s opening night of Teotihuacán: City of Water, City of Fire at the Phoenix Art Museum (PAM for short) was super dope. Especially because...

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A Peruvian Party So Lit Your Chullo is Gon’ Fall Off
So, I’ve been a fervent fan of El Chullo since I first visited about 5 years ago. Every time I go, I have difficulty deciding what...

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Your Guide to Frida Kahlo’s Birthday Bashes in La Phoenikera
This Friday July 6 is Frida Kahlo’s birthday. We know that some Phoenikerxs out there are dying to channel their inner Frida and strut their...

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Trans Queer Pueblo Seeks Artists for Queer Artivismo: A Toda Madre
Trans Queer Pueblo (TQP), an organization that advocates for the immigrant trans cummunity in La Phoenikera, is looking for queer artists for their upcoming event...

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Call For Artists Bonanza in La Phoenikera
Call for artists are popping up left and right in La Phoenikera and local artists should at least take a look at what is going...

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5 Things to Know About Friendly House’s Fiesta de las Américas
We are very excited because Friendly House is hosting a cultural festival this weekend that is going to expose Phoenikerxs to food, entertainment, and traditions...

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Get-Your-Shit-Together Contest For Artists
Our city is continually shifting, and it’s all because of a convergence of energies that make up our art scene. We’re stoked that more frequently...

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Art Detour 30: Close Encounters With Artists of Every Kind
La Phoenikera’s litness is thanks to its arts scene. People can beat around the bush and say whatever, but it’s true. Art made it “palatable”...

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Get Your Hoop On!
Check out some of the snapshots we took at the 2018 World Championship Hoop Dance Contest. This legit competition takes place every year at the...

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5 Reasons You Should See Man of La Mancha This Weekend
This musical inspired by Miguel de Cervantes’ Don Quixote and produced by Arizona Theatre Company is showing in La Phoenikera at the Herbeger Theater Center. In...

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Wanted: Phoenikera Poets for Public Art Project
If you think the world should hear or read the poetry you’ve locked away and only your friends stoically listen to, this is your chance....

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Have a Matices Kind of Xmas
Melissa Quintans had a little chat with LA PHNKRA about ¿Navidad? a new Spanish-language production by Matices Theatre Company and she tells us that this...

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20 Spots For Shopping Local This Christmas
This Christmas/Hanukkah/Kuanzaa season (and the ones that I’m forgetting), Phoenikerxs have the opportunity to avoid the fast fashion producers and multinational super stores and support...

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Bobby Castañeda on The Greatest Painter Alive
The first time I saw his art was on a pair of lime green pumps a girl I liked was rocking. I heard his name...

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Why the Chinese Cultural Center Should Matter to All Phoenikerxs
Nĭ Hăo Phoenikerxs! That’s one way to say hello in Chinese for those of us who have to Google it. We’re not sure if you...

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Carla’s Status Doesn’t Define Her, Her Humanity Does
Carla came to the U.S. as a tiny human Seven she was A Chavarría she was From Atizapán Estado de México she was. Crossed the...

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Chela Makes Art Because It Doesn’t Ask For Papers
Much of what Isela Meraz has done in the U.S. has been to challenge a system that requires her to show papers. Art is one...

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Gio and Her Dissident Act of Self Love
Once upon a time, a little girl dreamed of being like JonBenét Ramsey because all she heard was that blue-eyed blondies were prettier and had...

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Phoenikera Artist Celebrates Every Thread of Her Indigenous Fiber
She’s a jeweler, not the kind who wears a loupe at a store or sits in a dark room inside a diamond and gemstone warehouse....

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South Side Light Rail Extension Needs La Phoenikera Artists
Have you noticed that all La Phoenikera Light Rail stations have some art pieces incorporated into their design? You might not know, but except for...

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A Phoenikerx’s Guide to Cuba
Before traveling to Cuba this month, we had tons of questions. A couple of our friends had gone relatively recently, so we were able to...

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Beer me!: 10 years of the Lost Leaf
For Tato Caraveo, event coordinator for The Lost Leaf (which just celebrated its 10-year anniversary at the 5th Street location), this week marks their perseverance...

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From Spectators to Collaborators: How Soul Justice Project’s New Show Needs You Involved
“The universe is not made out of atoms. It is made out of stories,” said Muriel Rukeyser in her Speed of Darkness poem. We know...

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The Sagrado Galleria: Much More Than An Art Space In South La Phoenikera
When Sam Gomez and Julia Duran would travel down Central Avenue to get ice cream at Oasis, their favorite antojito shop in South Phoenix, they...

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6 Awesome Things You’ll See at the Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera Exhibit
The world is filled with Frida Kahlo fans. Some are real (the kind that can name even the artists’ pet dog), some are fake (the...

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Possible Latinx Cultural Center Needs Your Voice
There is a demand for accessible events celebrating the rise of La Phoenikera’s culture, but how do we show support? Sometimes we share shit on...

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Phoenikerxs Create Artistic Critique of Walls, Physical and Symbolic
On Sunday, an installation created by eight Arizona artists, many of them Phoenikerxs, executing the vision of Mexican artist Bestabeé Romero, was unveiled. Giovana Aviles,...

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Afromexico: Children of the moon
Queen Muhammad Ali and Hakeem Khaaliq, two local visual anthropologists, have made it their mission to demystify preconceived notions about black and Indigenous communities worldwide....

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A Black and Brown Pride Party Filled With Joterías
If you’re going to celebrate Pride this weekend but the official Pride party is not your scene, we suggest you check out Booty Pop, the...

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Phoenix Artists Can Do a Residency in Guadalajara This Summer
Artists from La Phoenikera have the incredible opportunity to do a six-week residency in Guadalajara this summer. The arts organization Celebración Artística de las Américas...

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La Phoenikera Protecting Vaginas
If you’re like me and you’ve Heard the term “V-Day” and thought, what the crap is that? Here it goes. V-Day is not Valentine’s Day,...

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Crossfade LAB: An Experiment Worth Being Part Of
Last October, I attended an event called Crossfade LAB, and I was mind-blown. Rita Indiana, a badass musician and writer from the Dominican Republic and...

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