Ways to Protect Yourself as an Immigrant
Immigration lawyers around the country are now recommending that immigrants, especially those without legal status, always carry with them physical proof of continuous presence in the United States for the prior two years. This will help protect them from being subject to expedited removal.
Proof can be any document with the person’s name and a date. Examples are birth certificates of their children, bank statements, bills, or contracts.
Expedited Removal is an immediate order to leave the country without a hearing, review, or opportunity to apply to stay in the United States unless the person expresses fear of persecution. In that case, the person is given a “credible fear interview” to determine whether he or she may apply for asylum.
People have the right to request an attorney. Individuals subject to Expedited Removal generally are not informed of their right to an attorney. They are also not provided enough opportunity to contact an attorney who can help them challenge the charges against them or present evidence not with them when they are detained.
It is crucial that people don’t carry proof of foreign citizenship and that they remember their right to remain silent.
Source: Edited content created by Nora Phillips.