E-Day is Here!
Tomorrow is the midterm election and if you haven’t noticed, the stakes are friggin’ high. People from all over the country have come to La Phoenikera to GOTV (Get Out The Vote), taking time off work to help us turn the state blue, if not slightly more purpl-ish. The universe knows we need that change in shade! Also, for the first time, significant resources have been poured into Arizona for organizing efforts that will fulfill that same purpose. Never, and we mean that literally, have we seen this much mobilization for a midterm election.
Tens of organizations have volunteers knocking on doors asking people to vote for democratic candidates in our state. Yes this is partisan, but fuck it! We need balance in government. We need the current Cheeto in Chief and all his pose to be held accountable and that can only happen if dems take congress and we elect democrats to other important offices.
We have one more day to make sure you, me, our parents, uncles, cousins, nanas, tatas, friends of your mom’s who you thought for years they were your tías and tíos but later you found out they just hung out together a lot, go out to vote if they didn’t do so already through an early ballot.
Here are 5 things you can do to make sure that happens!
¡UNO! Start texting everybody! Text your friends and family to ask if they put their early ballot in the mail or if they have a plan to vote tomorrow (time, polling place, transportation, etc.). Here is where people can find their polling place.
¡DOS! Join an organization and go canvass (knock on doors to encourage people to vote) one last time on election day. Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA) and Aliento are two organizations doing canvassing efforts all day.
¡TRES! Give people rides to the polls! Put it out there on your facebook/Instagram/Twitter/Snapchat/whatever-other-social-media-platform-you’re-on that you’re available to take people to vote.
¡CUATRO! Help people fill out their ballots! They are pretty comprehensive this midterm election with important offices to be filled like water conservation district board of directors (we live in a desert and we’re facing a water crisis!) and corporation commission (these guys make sure our utilities companies act ethically, among other things…dark money anyone?). That being said, people have questions and need help with research. Help a brotha/sista out!
¡CINCO! Pray! Light your veladoras, bust out the rosario, tell your grandma to include it in her list of requests tonight that we turn congress blue, get your brujas together for a chanting session, WE NEED IT ALL!