Poetry – Poesía en Voz Alta (Spanish)

More often than not you can find poetry readings in Spanish, new voices emerge and that's a good thing for all the lyricism that's constantly created in La Phoenikera. Yes please, we want more of this! This 25th Palabras...

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Improv – The Skewed News Hour

The Skewed News Hour is the alternative to a rather daunting daily dose of news. A group of actors improvise scenes from news clips selected by the audience. WHEN: Every Friday at 7 p.m. WHERE: The Torch Theater 4721 N. Central...

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Theatre – La Esquinita, USA

You have just a few more days to check out Arizona Theater Company's La Esquinita,USA by awesome writer/performer Rubén C. González. This play filled with border town lyricism weaves 10 characters into a story about a forgotten place...

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Crafty Crafts

If you want to connect with La Phoenikera's artisans or buy a knick-knack for someone who makes you smile, you could take a quick look at DeSoto Market's crafty market during First Fridays or every third Sunday. What: Artsy stuff,...

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Big mole in Little Oaxaca

Somebody recently asked me if I knew a place with a killer mole in La Phoenikera—you know, the kind that pleasures your tongue as if it were a one-night stand. I couldn't make a suggestion, but luckily, enlightenment is...

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So long primero…or adíos motherfucker

Se le acabaron los días a este mes y enero es parte del pasado. Algunas resoluciones ya estarán olvidadas, la euforia de lo nuevo se desvanece y la manía de los selfies en gimnacios, posts de comidas saludables y...

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